High Efficiency

Weapon Detection

a Groundbreaking Weapon threats Detection System, designed for faster screening of passing people for the detection of a large variety/number of Metal Threats, such as regulated knives, firearms, flammable and explosive containers, pipes and other prohibited metal items
HuaTon AI Metal Detector
Patented Technology

Cell Phone Detection

The detected contraband items will be identified and classified as all kinds of Cell Phone, Electric watch and “other contraband”. The contraband alarm information will contain the metal material and shape, it will be displayed on the interface of monitor tablet and sent to the control cloud platform
HuaTon AI Metal Detector
High Accuracy

Metal Detection

The default setting is to maximize the likelihood of finding “the size more than Coin (about 2cm diameter)” type of metal (or larger style), while also discriminating and not alerting on belt buckle, metal clothes button or common personal items
HuaTon AI Metal Detector

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Our System

Tech Overview

We Solve Your Security Problems Through Our Patented Technology…

By obtaining the amplitude, phase, shape, and posture information of the detected items, thus distinguishing the metal contra-bands from the daily necessities

Cloud Platform offers analytics to help you understand your Metal Detection System

We Developed Different Products to Satisfy different Security Requirements…

We Made Third Party Lab Tested Safety Compliance …

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